Magnetic Lashes for the Degaussing Diva in Your Life

Ok, so magnetic lashes won’t really degauss a hard drive but they’re a pretty nice alternative for folks allergic to latex (the bonding agent found in most eyelash glues).

I recently ordered a couple of sets of magnetic lashes and here’s what I discovered:

Although brands may vary by shape, fullness, quality, and color, lash application is the same across the board. For each eye, there are 2 sets of lashes – both with tiny magnets at the base – and the magnets meet at the eyelid, sandwiching your natural lashes in between. Removal should be handled with care, gently sliding the magnetic lashes off the natural lash without applying pressure that could cause the natural lash to fall out. Overall, removal of magnetic lashes (at least in my case) was easier than glued lashes.

The lashes I ordered are about as subtle as most natural-looking lashes available at beauty supply stores, but are only half as wide. This is a probably a logistical issue: wider lashes would require more magnets and increase difficulty of application. There may be more options available than the products I tried, but I didn’t find any lashes that yielded dramatic results. Of the lashes in my test group, none would be pageant or performance worthy.

One Two Lashes are, by far, the priciest lashes I tried. The quality is outstanding, but I’d highly recommend ordering a cheaper lash set to see if you can tolerate the weight and application before committing to an expensive set. I definitely want to try out their Bold Lash set in the near future to see if they offer a more dramatic look than the Original Lash I tried.


Speaking of cheaper lashes, I ordered this set from Amazon but there’s no name brand anywhere on the packaging. They do the trick and come with 2 full sets, so you don’t have to worry if you mess up a lash while practicing application. They’re a little fragile, so be careful when you separate the lashes from the packaging. The manufacturer used a stronger glue in the display compact than they should have.


Alright, so just how difficult is it to apply magnetic lashes? I won’t lie; I had a tough time with my first few applications. I watched an application video one of the vendors posted, and the model held the bottom magnetic lash in place while placing the top lash. Maybe I’m not coordinated enough, but this method didn’t work for me. I was dropping lashes, poking myself in the eye, and generally just having a bad time. I found it much easier to curl my natural lash, rest the first magnetic lash on top of my natural lash, then place the bottom magnetic lash. Once I started with the top lash, I nailed the application about 80% of the time on the first try.

Overall, I like the look of magnetic lashes. They’re subtle, but my lashes definitely look fuller. They feel a little heavier than the glued lashes I’m used to, but some of that probably comes from knowing I’m wearing magnets on my eyelids. Once I got the hang of it, application was, hands down, faster than gluing lashes – and I’m a pro at gluing lashes. That said, it’s nice to have a new tool in my makeup kit that quickly plumps my lashes without mascara or glue.

Disclaimer: I have absolutely no idea what the long term effects of wearing tiny magnets near your eyeballs are. I wouldn’t suggest wearing for more than a few hours at a time, and maybe limit use to special occasions until more data becomes available. Deploy at your own risk.